วันพุธที่ 26 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Questions About Nazi Germany

1. Which group ran the districts organized by the Nazis?
A. Gauleiter
C. Nationalists
D. City Gangs

2. Who was the leader of the Nazis in berlin in 1926?
A. Joseph Goebbels
B. Adolf Hitler
C. Paul von Hindenburg
D. Reynhard Heydrich

3. By 1928, what biggest rank of German polical was the Nazis?
A. 1st, The Biggest
B. 5th Biggest
C. 7th Biggest
D. 17th Biggest

4. Who were allowed to join the Hitler Jugend (HJ, Hitler Youth)?
A. Boys aged 14-18
B. Boys aged 10-14
C. Girls and Boys aged 14-18
D. Girls and Boys aged 10-14

5. Who were killed in the Night of the Long Knives? and what year?
A. SS, 1934
B. SA, 1934
C. HJ, 1932
D. SS, 1935

วันจันทร์ที่ 27 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Russian Propaganda Posters

"Russian Propaganda Posters." 28 Oct. 2008 ."."Russian Propaganda Posters." 28 Oct. 2008 http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_7ocenhsl7u8/sqrgs6e2v1i/aaaaaaaaaac/m2sp-trzfq4/s1600-h/s1261.jpg.
Propaganda posters are posters that expressed ideas, information, opinion, and rumors either to promote or threaten a certain group or organization. Propaganda posters are the most affective media for communicating in the past. Propaganda posters have been used all over the country at that time. Propaganda poster will help us learn about people’s thoughts, opinion, and what has happened in the event which the propaganda poster was made for.
The poster on the far right is a poster of a Russian peasant kissing a Russian soldier. The color of the poster is mostly white, black, and red. The black and white is just the common, and cheapest ink color at the time, but it also makes the red stand out. The red color represents communism. I think that this poster is trying to say that under communism and Lenin's control, the peasants and soldiers will unite and become one as a greater nation.
The middle poster is a picture of Lenin holding the Pravda newspaper. The poster states “All power to soviets! Peace to all nations! Land to peasants! Factories to workers!” as a caption. What I learned from the poster is that Lenin will make peace with all nations, give power to the soviets, give land and factory to the peasants, and i think the newspaper also represents "No Censorship."
The left most poster is a red poster of Lenin. The poster states “We should strive to raise the name and importance of a [communist] party higher, higher and higher.” I think the red color of the poster resembles the color of the soviets, and Lenin represents the one as their leader, and it would be a great sucess if he was to become leader of the soviets and would make a great nation.
The main purposes of these propaganda posters is to persuade the people and make them think that if they wanted to have better life they must supported the Bolsheviks, and or the Soviets. There are only three colors on the posters. The red color represents the soviets, Red Guards, or the Red Army(not MUFC). The result is that the Bolsheviks are recommending and advising the people to support the revolution and help the Bolsheviks rise to power.
*(I am unable to seperate the paragraphs and sources)

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 18 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

History of Aerial Dogfight

"Word War I:Dogfight." 18 Sept. 2008

Did you know that there are Dogfights in WWI? Dogfight is a term used to called a close-range aerial combat between war planes. The term "Dogfight" is most likely to come from the most preferred way of fighting; to position themselves behind the enemy and attack them from behind, it seemed like a dog chasing another dog's tail. Another possibility is that they usually fight very noisily, and fight in a large number. I chose this topic because I found Dogfighting interesting, the way they were able to kill many enemies, spy on enemies, and were one of World War I's most high-tech weapons at the time, and still has effect on today's military tactics.

The origin of planes in wars started as scouts; to collect information for the army about the position of enemy soldiers and guns. When enemies noticed that the opposing soldiers are using planes to spy on them, they need something to take out the planes, so they fitted machine guns onto scouting airplanes. Then both sides soon had all their scouting plane with machine guns.
Dogfighting pilots were called Dogfighters. Dogfighters are usually respected by their ranks, the ones with the most kills are usually titled "Aces." The most famous Dogfighter was probably Manfred von Richthofen, a German pilot, also known as "The Red Baron", he was the most famous flying ace of WWI, with a record of at least 80 confirmed victories against enemy aces.

The most preferred tactic used by Dogfighters is something called "the 6 o'clock", it involved getting behind the enemy pilot and shooting at them. During the war, a German ace pilot named Oswald Boelcke was the first person to ever write a book about dogfighting and tactics. He wrote about the basic rules and physics of aerial combat maneuvering, he wrote about fighting with your back towards the sun and with your enemy facing you, its is a smart tactic because the enemy wouldn't be able to see you, or a way to attack from above. The lessons the taught were called Dicta Boelcke, it is still used to teach in military schools today and are very valuable to fighter pilots today, same as they were almost a century ago.

Dogfighting is one of the most important tool for victory in a war. Dogfighting has inspired people to make more faster and stronger weapons, and has since changed the history of warfare.
